Visual Arts

BA (Hons) in Visual Arts
Validated by The Open University, UK

Introduction to the Major in Visual Arts

Launched in the fall of 2008, the Visual Arts major offers a rigorous academic program that is fluid and dynamic, reflecting the contemporary and evolving nature of the discipline which focuses on the research and practice of the creative process and on art making itself. The Visual Arts program prepares students to participate in the diverse practices and inquiries in the field of contemporary art and promotes the exchange of ideas between disciplines, supports mobility and ongoing interaction between contemporary artists, faculty and art students.

What You Will Study

In the Visual Arts Program, students gain broad exposure to a variety of techniques and theories through foundation to advanced studio classes, art history and art theory classes. During the course of study, students develop skills in painting, drawing, sculpture, installation, performance, computer art and video. The Visual Arts program develops students’ critical awareness and cultivates the investigation of the social, cultural and historical perspectives affecting the creative process. Students enhance their visual literacy and develop the confidence to create a personal art practice within a rapidly changing art environment.

The structure of the major is modeled on those of distinguished universities in the U.S. and the U.K., allowing students to strive not only for academic but also for professional excellence. The faculty is composed of professionals highly trained in their disciplines, with diverse backgrounds, whose expertise can help students develop their skills and apply their learning in society.

Scholarships awarded for this major

For Entering Students:

For Continuing Students:

Career/Graduate Study Opportunities

The Visual Arts Department faculty recommends students pursue a graduate degree. Career possibilities (following specialized training) include:

  • painting
  • drawing
  • sculpture
  • video
  • digital image
  • installation
  • performance

Other options are: art education, arts management, curatorial work, graphic and web design, advertising, museums and galleries. Possibilities to work abroad also present themselves to graduates, as a result of the increasing demands in certain art related fields.