Konstantinos Kostiris

Alumnus Profiled: Konstantinos Kostiris
Graduated: Deree 2023
Lives in: Athens, Greece
Current Role: Data and IT Director at Plomari Ouzo Distillery Isidoros Arvanitis S.A.

Konstantinos Kostiris is a dedicated IT professional currently serving as the Data and IT Director at Plomari Ouzo Distillery Isidoros Arvanitis S.A. With nearly a decade in the industry, he has developed a strong foundation in database administration and Information Systems, focusing on ensuring smooth IT operations in leading companies. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Ioannina and his commitment to continuous learning is exemplified by his pursuit of an MSc in Data Science at Deree – The American College of Greece, acquiring High Distinction with CI 4.0, showcasing his commitment to blend his mathematical and computer science background with data science to pioneer cutting-edge solutions and meet emerging challenges.

His master’s thesis, titled “From Pixels to Clinical Insight: Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Automated Left Ventricular Segmentation and Ejection Fraction Prediction in Pediatric Echocardiography Videos,” presented an exploration of merging medical imaging with advanced machine learning techniques in pediatric echocardiography. The study utilized the EchoNet-Pediatric dataset (Expert annotated echocardiographic videos of children between 0 and 18 years of age) from Stanford’s AIMI Center (Artificial Intelligence in Medicine & Imaging) and illuminated the potential of Artificial Intelligence in enhancing pediatric heart assessments, demonstrating the synergy between cutting-edge Data Science methodologies and traditional medical imaging techniques.


Q: What are three enduring values Deree has taught you?
Empathy: Deree fostered a fundamental value for empathy, recognizing its pivotal role in fostering meaningful connections and collaborations with individuals from diverse backgrounds.

Excellence: The pursuit of excellence was ingrained in every aspect of my education at Deree. This commitment to high standards has shaped my approach to work and problem-solving in the dynamic field of data science.

Collaboration: The college emphasized the power of collaboration, teaching the significance of teamwork and collective problem-solving in data science.

Q: Describe Deree in three words.
Inclusive: Deree fosters an inclusive environment that embraces individuals from various backgrounds and cultures.

Innovative: The college encourages innovative thinking and approaches, especially in the ever-evolving field of data science.

Transformative: Deree has the power to transform students, not just academically, but also in terms of personal growth and development.

Q: Which is your fondest memory from your time at Deree?
One of my fondest memories at Deree is participating in collaborative data science projects with classmates. The sense of teamwork and the practical application of skills created a memorable and enriching learning experience.

Q: What do you miss most from your days at Deree?
I miss the vibrant campus life, the engaging discussions with professors, and the companionship with fellow students who shared a passion for data science.

Q: If you could go back in time, is there anything that you would do differently?
I would actively seek more networking opportunities within the data science community, connecting with professionals and alumni to enhance my industry insights and potential career paths and if I was not a working individual, I would participate in the numerous events available.

Q: Where was your favorite spot on campus?
The library was my favorite spot on campus. It provided a quiet and focused environment, essential for deep dives into data science research and coursework.

Q: Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Dr. George Drakakis was my favorite teacher, stood out for his passion for the subject matter, innovative teaching methods, and commitment to students’ success. He played a pivotal role in shaping my enthusiasm for data science and helped tremendously with my Thesis.

Q: After graduation, have you maintained a relationship with your school and classmates?
Yes, I actively maintain connections with my fellow graduates. The sense of community at Deree is something I cherish and continue to nurture.

Q: Looking back, how did your time at Deree help you become the person you are today?
Deree provided a rigorous academic foundation, instilled a global perspective, and cultivated skills crucial in the data science industry. The diverse experiences and challenges prepared me to adapt and thrive in my professional journey.

Q: What advice would you give a new Deree student?
Embrace every opportunity for learning, collaboration, and personal growth. Actively engage with the diverse community at Deree, as these connections will play a significant role in your academic and professional journey.

Q: Where do you get your inspiration from?
My inspiration comes from staying curious, keeping abreast of industry trends, and learning from the achievements in the data science field.

Q: What is your motto in life?
“Strive for continuous improvement, embrace challenges as opportunities, and let curiosity drive your journey.”

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