New Student Orientation

Welcome to Deree!

We are very excited to meet you and look forward to helping you get the most out of your college experience. Below is a guide to help you prepare for Orientation and get you ready for your first couple of days as a college student!

Before New Student Orientation

On New Student Orientation Day

  • Arrive on-time and register with the Orientation Leaders (look for the red t-shirts)! They are students just like you, who will guide you through your first days on campus and share tips and tricks that can get you well under way!
  • Attend all Orientation Day sessions to gain an overview of services provided and opportunities offered at Deree! If you have questions, just ask the instructor or your Orientation Leader.
  • Pay close attention during your Orientation Day campus tour. The Deree Ambassadors (look for the blue t-shirts!) will show you parts of the campus you have not seen before, but will be visiting every day from now on

During Your First Week of Classes

  • Schedule an info-session with the Office of Student Affairs to talk about how you can get involved in student life. The Office of Student Affairs is located in the Main Corridor across from the Dining Hall.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Student Affairs at 210 600 9800, ext. 1446, 1042 or email us at [email protected].