Class Schedule

Deree – The American College of Greece offers more than 1,000 courses each academic year.

  • Continuing students register for courses via the myACG portal.
  • New students are registered in-person by their academic advisor.
  • Study Abroad students complete the course registration form with their home campus academic advisor and then submit the form to the Office of Admissions to be registered. Please refer to our complete course listing and course descriptions as you and your advisor make your course selections.
  • Students with a C.I. of 3.5 and above may take courses from the IHP (International Honors Program).

As a service to students and advisors planning course schedules, you will find PDFs of future semesters’ schedules of classes. Keep in mind that these schedules are accurate as of the date they were published. For current course information, current students are encouraged to log into the myACG portal. Prospective students may contact the offices of Academic Advising or Admissions.

For more information regarding textbooks, please click here.
For registration instructions, please log into the myACG portal.