Your Guide to getting involved in Student Life
Joining a Club/Organization
Join Student Clubs and Organizations by sending them an email, or following them on their social media pages to find out when their next meeting is! Most organizations have an application process. Deree holds Activities Fairs each semester to give you the opportunity to meet Clubs, Societies and Organizations (CSOs) representatives and learn about their activities and regular meetings.
Forming a new Club/Organization
- Click here and fill out the Club/Organization Proposal Form.
- Fill out the form and provide:
- Proposed name of Club/Organization.
- Description of the purpose of the Club/Organization and the activities through which the group intends to achieve its goals.
- Five names of active Deree–ACG Students who are forming this Club/Organization.
- Name of faculty/staff member who will serve as the Advisor for the proposed Club/Organization.
- Create your Constitution by using the Club/Organization Constitution Template.
- Propose a budget reflecting projected spending and revenues of the Club/Organization using the Budget Sheets Template and Example.
- Submit all forms to the Office of Student Affairs by sending an email to [email protected].
- The Office of Student Affairs will process your proposal and respond promptly.
Maintaining active status
To be considered an active Club/Organization and be eligible to submit your budget for the following academic year, you are required to present the following by the end of each Semester by sending an email to [email protected]:
- Active Members List, (copied the Advisor)
- An updated, current budget and budget request
*In case a Student Club has changed its constitution to send the current one including any and all amendments
Club Elections
Elections for clubs are easy and can be done either physically or electronically.
Before the elections:
- Submit an updated Members List to the OSA by the end of the second week of classes of the spring semester (don’t forget that this is also important for you to retain active status as mentioned in the How do I make sure my club is considered Active? section of this Guidebook). Refer to your club constitution/operating guidelines to ensure all members on the Members List fulfill membership requirements; the OSA will check current CIs to ensure all members are in good academic standing and will return the confirmed list to your advisor. This is now your list of candidates eligible to vote and run for office!
- Allow a weeklong period for members to declare their candidacy for office.
- Book a room where the Club will meet and vote or inform the OSA if you will held the elections online.
- Announce the date and time of the election to your members via ACG email; you may also use social media in addition to your email announcement.
During The Elections:
- Each member that casts their vote should sign next to their name on the voting list.
- Once the election process is over, all ballots are counted in the presence of an advisor or OSA staff member. The number of ballots cast must reflect a 50% +1 majority of the active members.
In case fewer than 50% +1 of the active members vote, a second round of elections must be held within one week. For the second round of elections a majority of 50% +1 active members is not needed.
After The Elections:
- All clubs must send the Student Life Governing Body Contact Information Form to the OSA within a week of election results being determined.
If there has been an infraction in the election process an appeal may be submitted to the OSA in writing no later than one school day after the end of the elections. The OSA reserves the right to cancel the results of the elections if elections were not conducted in accordance to the rules and regulations as stated in this Guidebook.
Planning on-campus activities and events
- Complete the On-Campus Events Request Form at least 6 weeks prior to the activity/event, major events should be planned at least 2 months in advance.
- Request an approval to use off-campus vendors by contacting the Office of Student Affairs at least 2 months before the planned activity/event.
- Post an announcement on Blackboard and on social media at least 3 days before the activity/event, by sending an email with an attached .jpg version of the announcement to the Office of Student Affairs.
- Refer to the updated Student Clubs and Organizations Guidebook for details on how the College can support you.
Planning off-campus College sponsored activities/events
- Schedule an appointment with the Office of Student Affairs at least 8 weeks prior to the off-campus activity/event.
- Complete the Off-Campus Events Request Form at least 8 weeks in advance of off-campus activity/event. Include your budget for the trip as well as the name of your Advisor or the staff/faculty member who will act as your chaperone.
- Define the process and criteria for selecting participants in the activity/event and submit the Selection Process Form.
- Submit a list of participants including their full names names, Student ID numbers, emails and cell phone numbers to the Office of Student Affairs.
- Request that each participant completes and submits the appropriate Disclaimer Form (Supervised Disclaimer or Unsupervised Disclaimer) to the Office of Student Affairs.
- Submit the flight/train information and contact information for accommodations to the Office of Student Affairs.
- Ensure that all forms are submitted to the Office of Student Affairs at least 7 days prior to the off-campus activity/event.
- Submit the Off-Campus Report Form within the week following the off-campus activity/event.
- Refer to the Student Clubs and Organizations Guidebook for details on Off Campus Activities and College Sponsored Travel.
Refer to the Student Clubs and Organizations Guidebook for more information on getting involved in student life and details on retaining active status as a student group, dissolving a club/organization, amending your constitution, fundraising and creating a budget, planning on and off campus activities, and creating your own logo.