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N.DEMOS Foundation Scholarship

For more than 40 years, The N. Demos Foundation, founded by a Chicago based Greek American philanthropist, has funded scholarships that provide extraordinary academic opportunities to outstanding, talented and deserving DEREE students.

Since 1968, the Chicago based N. Demos Foundation has inspired the entire community by making generous gifts to The American College of Greece primarily directed to offering educational opportunities to deserving Greek students of limited financial resources.  

The Foundation was founded by N. Demos whose origins were from the Village of Tarsina, in Corinth, Greece. N. Demos moved to the United States and became a successful businessman. His great wish was to form a Greek organization similar to the Boys Town of America. Unfortunately, he became ill and passed away before his dream became a reality. As a result, the N. Demos Foundation began to donate funds to support charities that already existed in Greece to further his cause.

In 2000 and again in 2001 the Foundation established two permanent endowed scholarship funds at DEREE, one of which is designated for communications majors and the other one is open to all students. The gifts to establish these endowed funds are permanently managed and invested by the College and a percentage (typically 4%) is spent each year for student awards.   

The N. Demos Foundation Scholarships have been awarded to 19 students since they were established. On behalf of these students and the College administration and faculty we are sincerely grateful to the Foundation for its outstanding support over many years. The following comments from several of these students underscore this gratitude.

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Philip Doros Keranis (June 2012 Graduate), Recipient of the N. Demos Foundation Scholarship for Communication Studies, Academic Year 2011-2012

“Selecting me as the recipient of the N. Demos Foundation Scholarship for Communication Studies was an honor that brought happiness followed by a number of positive feelings as well as demanding expectations that I gladly met during my academic journey at The American College of Greece. This particular gift was not merely a financial support. It stands as an act of unconditional help given to me at a time of crisis. It stands as the additional incentive needed in my continuous effort for expanding my knowledge, values and ideals through which I can

evolve and flourish in the post graduate life and the competitive environment of tomorrow. Finally it is my deepest desire to give back a "Thank You" for the long standing support that you have given me and for enabling me to spread my wings freely towards a bright and promising future.”

Konstantinos Margaritis (Junior – Economics Major), Recipient of the N. Demos Foundation Scholarship, Academic Year 2011-2012

I would like to thank you for the chance you gave me to continue my studies. I come from a single parent family and I am forced to work on nights in order to be able to attend College. The N. Demos Foundation Scholarship gave me the chance to breath (based on all the financial problems I am facing). I thank you deeply and I will not forget the good you've done.

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For more information about the N. Demos Foundation Scholarship and the N. Demos Foundation Scholarship for Communication Studies, please visit:  or contact the Financial Assistance and Planning Office, tel.: +30 210 6009800, ext. 1327 | [email protected]

If you are interested in learning about ways to create your own scholarship fund at ACG or to contribute to existing funds please contact the Office of Development:

George E. Triantaris, Vice President – tel. + 1.617.459.2829, [email protected]
Mary-Irene Triantafillou, Executive Director – tel. 210.600.9800, ext.: 1239, [email protected]

July 2013
