The ACG through the Center of Excellence in Logistics, Shipping and Transportation (CoELST), the Center of Excellence in Sustainability (CoES) and the Office of Public Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Hellenic Marine Environment Protection Association – HELMEPA. ACG and HELMEPA have agreed to pursue the possibility of collaboration in several ways. Indicative thematic areas, topics and projects include, but are not limited to, the following:
- BlG Focus (Blue Is Green), a series of thematic focus discussions in marine environment protection, aiming to outline the current conditions, the challenges and identify best practices. A kick-off event is planned for March 2, 2022 at the ACG premises. The results will be disseminated through an open BIG Focus Forum/Event to be held at ACG on May 24, 2022.
- Collaboration in the creation (co-production) of a Video on Climate Change (recorded for multiple views) aiming at wide open public dissemination through the HELMEPA e-learning platform and communication channels as well as the ACG websites and communication networks. Webinar Copyrights to be shared between HELMEPA and ACG.
- Co-organization of Events of a wide spectrum, from raising awareness to presenting scientific findings.
- Facilitate Data Collection on topics of common interest aiming to support potential ACG student research projects.
- Identify HELMEPA Scholars for undergraduate or postgraduate studies amongst ACG students.
- HELMEPA to assist in identifying Internship opportunities for ACG students within the organization or their member’s network.
- To promote volunteerism of ACG students in support of HELMEPA initiatives and activities. Examples of such actions may include beach cleaning, underwater cleaning, raising awareness.
- HELMEPA Teens, co- organization of educational and edutainment activities on issues of maritime interest and on the protection of marine resources addressed to students of the Pierce Gymnasium and possibly Lyceum.