The American College of Greece (Center of Excellence in Sustainability; Office of Sustainability – Public Affairs) in collaboration with the General Secretariat of Natural Environment and Water, Hellenic Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Sustainable Development Unit – ATHENA RC, the Municipality of Aghia Paraskevi and under the Auspices of the Green Fund and the support of the Athens University of Economics and Business and the LIFE IP AdaptInGr, organized 2 joint Events on good practices for water management, at The American College of Greece.
The two actions together aspired to be a catalyst for positive changes in water management practices and biodiversity conservation, laying the foundations for sustainable cities.
November 30, 2023 – Event of Water Management Best Practices, ACG Events Hall
Keynote speaker: Professor Michail Scoullos, Emeritus Professor of Environmental Chemistry and Oceanography at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (EKPA), Director of the UNESCO Chair and Network on Sustainable Development Management and Education in the Mediterranean, at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Chairperson, MIO-ECSDE, Chairperson, GWP-Med, and member of the external Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence in Sustainability-ACG.
Welcoming speeches were addressed by Prof. Panos Vlachopoulos, VP of Academic Affairs, Deree-The American College of Greece, and by Mr. Dimitrios Vakalis, Director of the General Water Directorate, Ministry of Environment & Energy. Speakers: Mr. Konstantinos Papaspiropoulos, representative of Mr. Loukas Georgalas, Head of the General Water Directorate, Ministry of Environment & Energy on ‘Framing water resource management’; Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Assistant Professor of Environmental Science, Executive Director of Center of Excellence in Sustainability, The American College of Greece on ‘Water management at times of climate crisis: the use of nature-based solutions’; Mr. George Sachinis, Director of Strategy and Innovation, EYDAP on ‘Hadrian’s Aqueduct, a water resource for Athens today.’
December 2, 2023 – CLIMATHON on the Challenge of ‘Water, Nature and Citizens’, ACG Events Hall
The Climathon is an ideathon that seeks to engage and raise awareness among citizens on issues facing the local community and related to climate change. The three winning teams were: 1st prize, ‘The Rain Project,’ students from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens; 2nd prize, ‘H2All’, students from DEREE-the American College of Greece; 3rd prize, ‘AquaGuard,’ students from the Athens University of Economics and Business.