April, 2021

Event Details
A lecture exclusively offered to ACG students, faculty and staff by Dr. Orna Almog, Senior lecturer in IR and Politics - Middle East expert, Kingston University (retired) Organized by Department of History, Philosophy
Event Details
A lecture exclusively offered to ACG students, faculty and staff
by Dr. Orna Almog, Senior lecturer in IR and Politics – Middle East expert, Kingston University (retired)
Organized by
Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World, Deree-ACG
in collaboration with
ISGAP – Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
When: Friday, April 9, 2021 | 14:30-15:30
Where: You may join the event online (MS Teams) here
14:30-14:35 | Welcome remarks
Dr. Christoph Gassenschmidt, Associate Professor, Department of History, Philosophy and the Ancient World, Deree – The American College of Greece
14:35-15:05 | United we stand – Israeli and Egyptian cooperation and the Gaza conflict
Dr. Orna Almog, Senior lecturer in IR and Politics- Middle East expert, Kingston University (retired)
15:05 | Q&A and Closing
Bio of the Speaker
Dr. Orna Almog
Senior lecturer in IR and Politics- Middle East expert, Kingston University (retired)
Dr. Orna Almog is a graduate from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and has received her Ph.D from the London School of Economics and Political Science, International History Department. She is the author of Britain, Israel and the United States 1955-58 – Beyond Suez (Frank Cass, 1993). Her main expertise is Israeli Foreign Policy: the Arab-Jewish Conflict and Conflict Resolution. Until most recently she has been a senior lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Kingston University, London UK. She took part in different research projects focusing on the International Relations in the Middle East. In 2013, Dr. Almog was also a visiting fellow at the Aegean University in Rhodes, Greece at the Department of Mediterranean Studies and later a visiting fellow at the M.A. program Mediterranean Studies, Department of Political Science and International Relations at the University of the Peloponnese, Corinth, Greece where she also participated as a guest lecturer. Dr. Almog also appears on the BBC and the ‘Voice of America” as well as on many other international conferences. Among her other publications are “Hide and Seek – Israeli-Turkish Relations and the Bagdad Pact”, Mediterranean Eastern Studies, January 2017, Vol. 53, Issue 3. (with Aişegül Sever), and “Unlikely Relations: Israel, Romanian and the Egyptian-Israeli Peace accord, Middle Eastern Studies (June 2016 Vol. 52. Issue 6). Last but not least, Dr. Almog is also the co-author of Contemporary Israeli-Turkish Relations in Comparative Perspective, Palgrave/MacMillan 2019, and until recently served as a visiting lecturer (on line) at the Queen Mary University of London.
For more information, please contact College Events-Office of Public Affairs, [email protected] or 210-6009800, ext. 1570 or 1370.