November, 2020

Event Details
An online event with free participation and open to the public When: November 11-13, 2020 | 14:30 – 17:00 Where: Online UN SDGs Symposium: Exploring the DiverCity of Athens: Day 1
Event Details
An online event with free participation and open to the public
November 11-13, 2020 | 14:30 – 17:00
UN SDGs Symposium: Exploring the DiverCity of Athens: Day 1
UN SDGs Symposium: Exploring the DiverCity of Athens: Day 2
UN SDGs Symposium: Exploring the DiverCity of Athens: Day 3
Organized by:
Deree Millennium Fellows 2020 and Office of Public Affairs, The American College of Greece
Supported by:
Deree Psychology Society, Deree Sociology Society, Deree International Honors Program Society
Organized as part of the cohort’s collective project in the context of the Millennium Fellowship Program 2020, the symposium aims at increasing awareness about the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and boosting their adaptation by enhancing their social impact on campus.
The Symposium will dive into the exploration of four out of the 17 Goals: SDG 10 – Reduced Inequalities, SGD 5 – Gender Equality, SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities, and SDG 12 – Sustainable Consumption and Production, through panel sessions with notable academics and experts in the respective fields, who will provide hands-on solutions.
This event is directly co-related with the overall sustainability efforts of ACG and will welcome a variety of guest speakers from public authorities, NGOs, academia, who will engage in panel discussions and interactive sessions with the audience. The Symposium is under the auspices of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), the Millennium Campus Network (MCN), and the Millennium Fellowship Program.
DAY 1: Wednesday, November 11
14:30-14:45 Welcome and Introduction
- Welcome Remarks – Claudia Carydis Benopoulou, Vice President of Public Affairs, The American College of Greece
- Deree Millennium Fellows 2020 Cohort introduce themselves (Video)
- Kehinde (Kenny) Adebiyi, Program Coordinator, Millennium Campus Network (MCN) (video)
14:45-15:00 “Athens through the eyes of ACG students”
Introduction by Deree Millennium Fellows 2020 – Video
Barbara Radmann & Maria Chatzimichail
15:00-15:10 “Strolling Incognito in Athens”: Presentation of International Honors Program’ class projects – Christos Stavrogiannis & Emmanouil Skartsilakis, Deree – ACG students
15:10-16:10 Panel Discussion “Exploring DiverCity, Exploring Inequalities”
Moderator: Dr. Chrysa Zachou, Head of the Department of Sociology, Deree – The American College of Greece
- Prof. Thomas Maloutas, Emeritus professor, Harokopio University
- Alexia Evert, Vice Mayor of Social Solidarity, City of Athens
- Dr. Lilika Trikalinou
- Chris Alefantis, Founder and Editor in Chief of “Shedia” street paper
Q&A session
16:15-17:00 Interview and video presentation with Tassos Vrettos (photographer) on his photo exhibit “Places of of Wor(th)ship: Benaki Museum”
DAY 2: Thursday, November 12
14:30-15:30 Panel discussion “Gender Inequalities & Bringing Diversity to the Workplace”
Moderator: Dr. Chrysa Zachou, Head of the Department of Sociology, Deree – The American College of Greece
- Maria Stratigaki, Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Panteion University
- Chara Chioni-Chotouman, Attorney at law, Phd cand. LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
- Maria Zarotiadou, M.Sc. in Marketing, Strategic Marketing and Business development Analyst. Gender Equality Consultant
- Stella Kasdagli, Co-founder Women On Top, Writer
Q&A Session
15:35-16:35 Panel Discussion “Athens a Sustainable City? Creating an Open, Green, Proactive and Diverse Athens”
Moderator: Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Associate Faculty – Lecturer I, Environmental Studies Program Coordinator – Department of Science and Mathematics, Chair of Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, The American College of Greece
- Elina Dallas, Project Manager of the Revitalisation of the Athens Historical Triangle Program (2016-19)
- Pakis Papademetriou, Manager, Corporate Quality, Athens International Airport & Chair, CR Committee, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
- Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou, Director, Victoria Square Project
- Rania Assariotaki, Sustainability Manager, Office of Public Affairs, The American College of Greece
Q&A Session
16:35-16:45 “ACG wins Athens Climathons”: Video & presentation
Introduction by Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Associate Faculty – Lecturer I, Environmental Studies Program Coordinator – Department of Science and Mathematics, Chair of Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, The American College of Greece
16:45-17:00 “Greening the City, Greening our Campus”
- Introduction by Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Associate Faculty – Lecturer I, Environmental Studies Program Coordinator – Department of Science and Mathematics, Chair of Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, The American College of Greece
- Video of Student projects on the 17 SDGs: International Honors Program students, Greening the Campus Course
DAY 3: Friday, November 13
14:30-15:30 Panel Discussion “Sustainable Consumption: Creating Diverse Solutions for Food Waste in Athens”
Moderator: Dr. Christina Marouli, Associate Professor, Environmental Studies, Department of Science and Mathematics, Deree- The American College of Greece
- Vee Bougani, CEO/Co-Founder Sustainable Food Movement Greece, Founder foodity
- Alexander Theodorides, Co-founder and chief food saving warrior of Boroume
- Constantinos Machairas, Executive Director at Organization Earth
- Giorgos Keranis, Food Systems Expert
Q&A session
15:35-15:45 Video documentary on second-hand/thrift clothing stores in Athens presented by Deree Millennium Fellows 2020
15:45-16:35 Panel Discussion “Diversifying Sustainable Greek Fashion in the Context of a Proactive Athens”
Moderator: Dr. Stella Apostolaki, Associate Faculty – Lecturer I, Environmental Studies Program Coordinator – Department of Science and Mathematics, Chair of Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, The American College of Greece
- Dr. Fiori A. Zafeiropoulou, Country Coordinator Fashion Revolution Greece, Founder SOFFA & Research Fellow AUEB
- Stylianee Parascha, Founding President Fashion Revolution Luxembourg and Sustainable Fashion and Communications Consultant
- Valisia Gotsi and Stella Panagopoulou, 2WO+1NE=2
Q&A session
16:40-17:00 Symposium Conclusion & Remarks – Hasan Oksuz, Barbara Radman, Jo Pierri, Deree Millennium Fellows 2020
Additional Resources
UN Sustainable Development Goals Quiz
Video/Animation on Sustainable Fashion
Video on food waste by Boroume
Are you still dreaming how to be a Doer ? | Fiori Zafeiropoulou | TEDxAlexandroupolis
Raise Your Voice Festival 2018
Speakers’ bio
Alexander Theodorides
Co-Founder & CEO Boroume
Alexander is one of the co-founders and the director of NGO Boroume (“We Can”), a leading food saving organization of Greece which since 2012 has saved & offered more than 40 million portions of food from thousands of donors to over 600 charities all over Greece and has been awarded with the European Citizenship Award 2017 by the European Parliament.
He has extensive experience in both the private and public sector, is a Marshall Memorial Fund Fellow and has received scholarships from the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung and the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service).
He holds degrees from the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (1996-2000, Magister Artium, Political Science, Economics, International Law) and the London School of Economics (2000-2001, MSc International Relations).
Dr Fiori A Zafeiropoulou
Country Coordinator Fashion Revolution Greece & Founder SOFFA
Fiori is an academic and a social entrepreneur; holds an award winning PHD on Social Franchising & Entrepreneurship and Cand.Post Doc on Combatting Human Rights Violations in Fashion Industry Supply Chains AUEB MSL & Nottingham University Rights Lab. She is the Project Leader of the Pilot City of Athens on Public Procurement Trafficking free supply chains. Country Coordinator of the global movement Fashion in Greece, the Coordinator of Raise Your Voice Festival to end modern slavery and climate crisis. Founder of Social Fashion Factory – that targets environmental regeneration and social inclusion of victims of slavery. Ranked in 100 TOP Women in Greece by Marie Claire International 2019, speaker at the International Woman Day 2020 by Athena40 and BBC news. She was the central speaker at UN Women Day ’18 & The central character of the Swiss documentary ‘One Over Many’ by Daphne Bengoa Produced by Fluxum Foundation. Executive Producer of TV Show Founder employment refugee matching platform, the rebirth of iconic Zita Hellas Sneakers and The Nest Centre on Social Entrepreneurship. Coordinator of EU COSME SmallButPerfect 1.3m€ 11 Partners and of EU Erasmus+ “Blue Social Growth”; “Social Growth for Trafficking and Refugees”; “Social & Sustainable Fashion Entrepreneurs”; TEDx talk ‘Are you still dreaming how to be a Doer?”. Her research has been published in international conferences and research books.
Maria Zarotiadou
Strategic Marketing and Business development Analyst. Gender Equality Consultant’
“Maria Zarotiadou is a Strategic Marketing and Business development Analyst and Gender Equality Consultant. She has a BA in Business Administration and an M.Sc. in Marketing. Maria has been trained by an E.U. program on female social entrepreneurship and is a mentor for career development. She is a member of the Harvard Business Review Advisory Council.”
Stella Kasdagli
Co-founder Women On Top, Writer
Stella Kasdagli is the co-founder of Women On Top, the most experienced non-profit organisation in Greece for the professional empowerment of women and for gender equality in the public sphere. She is also a published author, a translator, a book club maverick and the facilitator of impactful workshops on professional development, gender issues and social change. She previously studied French Literature in Athens, Greece, and Media Studies in London, and has worked for 10+ years as a women’s magazine and online editor. She is the recipient of the Social Impact UK Alumni Award and She has published eight books for the empowerment of girls, women and teens. She lives in Athens with her husband and two daughters.
Stylianee Parascha
Founding President Fashion Revolution Luxembourg, Sustainable Fashion and Communications Consultant
Stylianee Parascha is the Founding President of Fashion Revolution Luxembourg and a Sustainable Fashion and Conscious Communications Consultant. Already a decade ago she was looking at how fashion is interrelated to pressing social issues and designing collections for a sustainable Athenian brand, while these days, she is doing research on how Immigration and Fashion are interconnected and can benefit from each other. She has been animating Upcycling workshops, organising fashion events, and preaching a sustainable and fashionable lifestyle in Luxembourg and beyond. She holds a Masters in Cultural Management and another one in Sustainability in Creative Industries. She is experimenting with conscious design concepts through her brand What.Eve.Wears and promotes fashion Made in Greece on every occasion.
Pakis Papademetriou
Manager, Corporate Quality, Athens International Airport and Chair, CR Committee, American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce
Pakis Papademetriou has been serving Quality and Sustainability since 1995. He is an experienced integrator of management systems and a passionate advocate for sustainability. He has received a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering, both from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He is also certified professional in Business Sustainability Management by the University of Cambridge (CISL). He joined Athens International Airport (AIA) in 1999 and currently he holds the position of Manager, Corporate Quality. He is the Chairman of the Corporate Responsibility Committee of the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and member of the Board of UN Global Compact Hellas.
Ethical Designer Brand
2WO+1NE=2 (2+1=2) is an ethical designer brand based in Athens, Greece, founded in 2017, by Stella Panagopoulou and Valisia Gotsi. Through a synthesis of MINIMALISM and DECONSTRUCTIVISM, espousing the principle of ENVIRONMENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS, 2WO+1NE=2 aims to sound out the cultural fluidity of an increasingly nomadic generation. Focused on creating SUSTAINABLE & TAILORED READY-TO-WEAR and not a trend-follower, 2WO+1NE=2 creates long-lasting garments or even reconstructs its over-worn garments, in local production, using exclusively French and Bound seams and natural fibers, so as to contribute to the longevity of the garment. Based on the design project of NOMADISM, each collection is inspired and dedicated to a different city across the globe, drawing elements from its art scene, architecture, cinema, music and people. The brand converts the beauty and uniqueness of each place into its edgy collections, by incorporating their CRAFTSMANSHIP techniques and AESTHETIC concept. The crystallization of notions, essences and shapes of each given place, are worked into the garments themselves. 2WO+1NE=2 strives for a perpetual battle with conservatism and conventionality, envisaging clothes not as strictly functional everyday items but as MULTIDIMENSIONAL STRUCTURES, maintaining at the same time fashion’s allure and scrutinizing urge.
Vee Bougani
CEO/Co-Founder Sustainable Food Movement Greece; Founder foodity
Vee is a social entrepreneur and a Sustainable Culinary Arts Consultant since 2013. She studied Cultural & Creative Industries at King’s College London and she has worked in the Cultural Industry over 10 years seeking funding and sponsorship for various art organizations in Greece and in the UK. She has strong managerial and communication skills and she has taken various job roles in leadership, administration and training.
She has been trained and worked as a chef since her early 20s and as of 2012 she has worked as a Culinary Arts consultant and a freelance Food & Travel Editor for various platforms such as Time Out Group, Lonely Planet, Forbes Travel Guide, CN Traveler, the Londonist & the Thrillist. Her greatest passion has always been food and she has focused career-wise on sustainability in the culinary and hospitality industry. She lived in London for more than 10 years and she has worked as a Food Sustainability Expert in charge of various culinary projects in Europe, the States and the Middle East. She has been into social entrepreneurship since 2015 and an active business mentor at the Prince’s Trust International and Founders Nation in Greece. She is an EIT Food Associate Member for South Europe and a GSTC Certified Practitioner. She is an active member of the Kosmos Initiative run by MEP Petros Kokkalis, promoting food sustainability and food policy making governance for Greece. She has worked with ASEF and the UN for promoting a food waste strategy for the Hospitality Industry. Her mission is to constantly tackle food waste and promote sustainability in the Culinary Arts Industry regionally and internationally.
Maria Stratigaki
Associate Professor of Gender Studies, Panteion University
Maria Stratigaki is an Associate Professor at the Department of Social Policy at Panteion University, focusing on gender, social policy and gender equality policies. She served as Vice Mayor of Athens for Social Solidarity, Welfare and Equality (2014-2019). She also served as the Secretary General for Gender Equality at the Hellenic Ministry of Interior (2009-2012). From 1991 to 1999 she worked at the European Commission’s Unit on equal opportunities between women and men (DG EMPL). Furthermore, during her professional career she has also been the General Director of the Research Centre of Gender Equality- KETHI (1999-2002) and the Centre for Gender Studies of Panteion University (2007-2009).
Dr. Lilika Trikalinou
Lilika is trained as a sociologist with a BA in Deree, an MSc in Sociology from the LSE and a PhD from Goldsmiths University London, titled “Making Visible: The inhabitation of urban public space by irregular immigrants” focusing on urban sociology. Since 2011 she is the managing director of the IEKEP, a not for profit Lifelong Learning Center in Athens, managing EU and national projects and developing educational tools and practices in a variety of fields. Before that, from 2003 she was working in the field of immigration for the NGO Nostos implementing a variety of national and EU projects focusing on integration.
Chrysa Zachou
Head of the Department of Sociology, Deree- The American College of Greece
Chryssa Zachou is the Head of the Sociology Department at ACG. She has studied sociology in Greece (BA from Deree and Panteion University) and the UK (M.Sc. from the London School of Economics and a PhD from the University of Essex). Besides Deree, she has also taught a number of graduate and undergraduate courses at the University of Athens, the University of Piraeus and the Hellenic Open University. Her research focuses on migration, civil society organizations, gender, religion and the media. She has published a book and an edited volume in Greek and book chapters and journal articles in Greek and English and has presented papers in many international conferences. She is an active member of the International Sociological Association (ISA) and has served in the ISA’s RC 32 Women in Society Executive Board as a European representative (2014-2018). She is also a founding member of the Hellenic Sociological Society and an elected member of its Executive Board and serves in the editorial board of the Greek Sociological Review.
Thomas Maloutas
Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography, Harokopio University
Emeritus Professor at the Department of Geography, Harokopio University. Former Director of the Institute of Urban and Rural Sociology of the National Centre for Social Research (EKKE) (2001-2012), Professor at the Department of Planning, University of Thessaly (1991-2009) and General Secretary for Research & Technology (2015-2016). His work is related to the changing social structures in metropolitan areas in the era of capitalist globalisation with a focus on issues of segregation and gentrification related to housing and broader welfare regimes. His research and published work refer mainly to the South European urban context and especially to Athens.
Alexandra Evert
Vice-Mayor for Social Solidarity, City of Athens
Alexia (Alexandra) Evert was born, raised and lives at the heart of city of Athens, in Mets.
She studied marketing, advertising and communication in Athens and continued with graduate studies in Business Administration at the University of Westminster in London, UK. Since 1989 she was employed for several years in private companies, working in the fields of sales, marketing, human resources, communication as well as administration. From 1997 until 2006 she worked for the International Group of companies NETMED S.A., where she served at Communication Director (2002 – 2006).
In 2006 she was elected as a Municipal Councillor and served a Vice-Mayor of Health, Social Welfare and Equality.
In May of 2019 she was elected Municipal Councillor under the coalition «ΑΘΗΝΑ ΨΗΛΑ», headed by Mr. Kostas Bakogiannis, and is currently serving as Vice-Mayor of Social Solidarity in the Municipality of Athens.
Alexia Evert has also served as President of the Children and Adolescent Libraries of Greece (OPED/Ministry of Education) and served at the General Secretariat for Equality of the Ministry for the Interior, Public Administration & Decentralization and the Research Center for Gender Equality (KETHI). In addition, she has worked pro-bono in the Municipality of Athens, the Ministry of the Presidency and the New Democracy Party in the fields of communication, planning, organization and cultural events, while she still participates in charitable and cultural activities of organizations such as “Make A Wish”, ELEPAP, the Benaki Museum, etc.
In 2004 she received the award “Manager of the Year”, earning the first audience prize for her work with the organization “Women of the Year.” She is the daughter of Miltiades and Liza Evert. In 1999, she married Giorgios Alvertis, who then served as General Director of Eurobank and CEO of Eurobank Cards, with whom she has a 20 year-old son.
Christos Alefantis
founder, Shedia street paper
Chris Alefantis was born in Melbourne, Australia, where his parents immigrated in the mid-50s. He is a journalist with more than 30 years’ experience. He is the founder and Editor in Chief of “Shedia”, Greece’s only street paper, which launched in March 2013. “Shedia” –as all street papers worldwide- is a social enterprise and self-help model that provide an innovative solution to urban homelessness and unemployment. It offers people a dignified way to earn their own living and support themselves and their families. In addition to employment, “Shedia” aims to offer its vendors ongoing social support and training opportunities. “Shedia” is a member of the International Network of Street Papers. In 2006, he founded the “Kick Out Poverty” campaign in Greece, incorporating the Greek Homeless Football Club. It is an initiative which uses sport and, in particular football, as a way to energize homeless people and support them in their quest to rebuild their lives. Since 2007, The Greek Homeless Team is a member of the international social and sporting movement “Homeless World Cup”.
Dr. Stella Apostolaki
Associate Faculty – Lecturer I, Environmental Studies Program Coordinator – Department of Science and Mathematics, Chair of Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability, The American College of Greece
Dr. Stella Apostolaki is Associate Faculty – Lecturer I and Program Coordinator of the BSc/(Hons) in Environmental Studies, Department of Science and Mathematics, DEREE – the American College of Greece (ACG). She is Chair of the Academic Advisory Board of the Center of Excellence for Sustainability (ACG). She holds a BSc/(Hons) in Environmental Science, MSc in Urban Water and Environmental Management and PhD on sustainable urban drainage systems and river management options, obtained from the Abertay University, U.K. She has worked for several years as a researcher in collaboration with Universities, Research Institutions and Authorities. Her main research interests include: climate change, sustainable development, the implementation of the 17 sustainable development goals, integrated water management and innovation, sustainable stormwater management, water scarcity, conservation of biodiversity, protected areas, public and school environmental education, green urban planning with emphasis on amenity and biodiversity.
Chara Chioni-Chotouman
Attorney at law, Phd cand. LLM in Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure
Chara Chioni-Chotouman is a Lawyer, working at the Centre for Research on Women’s Issues (CRWI) “Diotima” providing legal advice and representation to victims of gender-based violence and conducting trainings on the issue. She is also a PhD candidate in the Department of Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens-Law School. Her PhD is on Victims’ Rights in Criminal Procedure, for which she has received a full merit-based scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y). She has published several articles (in English and Greek) and delivered speeches both in Greece and abroad. She speaks Greek, English, French and German.
Elina Dallas
Project Manager of the Revitalisation of the Athens Historical Triangle Program (2016-19)
Elina Dallas re-imagines, designs and manages the transformation of public and private spaces through human-centered urban design and upcycling. She is the principal of Spaceimagineering.
Elina has been the Project Manager of the Revitalization of Athens Commercial Triangle Program of the Municipality of Athens supported by an exclusive donation from Stavros Niarchos Foundation (2016-2019). She has extended experience in programs of urban scale serving as Special Advisor of the Greek Minister of Culture, and Special Aide at the General Secretariat of the Prime Minister of Greece, coordinating a Ministers City Centre Planning Committee (2010-2012). Elina has been a member of the Board of Directors at the Unification of Archaeological Sites of Athens SA, and was the City Operations Manager for ATHOC for 4 years.
Elina Dallas has experience in raising sponsor funds for city scale projects, and her work in Athens has been praised by the International Olympic Committee as an “Olympic First”. As a freelance architect (1987 – ) Elina specializes in restoring listed buildings and an active member of numerous non-profit environmental and architectural heritage associations.
Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou
Director, Victoria Square Project
Niovi Zarampouka-Chatzimanou, is the Director of Victoria Square Project. Since 2014, she is the co-founder of MΕΣΑ Museum of Free Thinking People, a contemporary art outreach project for prisoners in Greece. Before joining VSP she worked as Director of Art in Public Space at Eleusis 2021 European capital of Culture, and contributed in documenta 14 as Community Liaison for Athens, working closely to its Artistic Director Adam Szymczyk. With an academic background in architecture and cultural management (MA), her research interests focus on socially and politically engaged art projects and the public space as a constellation of political and social transformations. Her work experience involves working at a wide range of institutions, projects and artists, like The Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Venice, IT), Maria Papadimitriou’s T.A.M.A. and Souzy Tros (Athens, GR), The Museum of Cycladic Art (Athens, GR), Viafarini DOCVA (Milan, IT) and the Venice Biennial through the Greek and American Pavilion (Venice, IT) teams. Niovi is currently a Fellow at Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities Initiative.
Rania Assariotaki
Sustainability Manager, Office of Public Affairs, The American College of Greece
Rania Assariotaki joined the American College of Greece in 2008. She currently holds the position of ACG Sustainability Manager at the Office Public Affairs. Previously she has served in the field of customer service. She holds a BA in Hispanic Language and Civilization from the Hellenic Open University and an MSc in Marketing from ALBA at The American College of Greece. In 2015 she was certified as a GRI G4 reporter and in July 2016 received her certification as Sustainability (CSR) Practitioner approved by the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA). Also, she has received certifications on: Carbon Reduction Strategy, Sustainability Reporting, Social Impact Assessment & SROI. In August 1019, she has been certified as a Sustainability Management professional and on High Impact Leadership from the Institute for Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge.
Constantinos Machairas
Executive Director at Organization Earth
Constantinos is the Executive Director of Organization Earth, a Greek civil society organization that offers transformative learning on sustainable lifestyles as well as organizing collective action on global citizenship. He is a member of the Steering Committee of SDG Watch EU Europe’s largest cross-sectoral alliance of NGOs with the goal of holding governments to account for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. He also serves as the General Secretary of IFOAM AgriBioMediterraneo, the regional group consisting of the Mediterranean members of the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movement (IFOAM). Since November 2016, Constantinos has been the President of the Hellenic Platform for Development the Greek coalition of NGOs promoting the SDGs. Member of the Boards of Directors at ActionAid Hellas, at specialized Vocational Training Center Margarita for people with intellectual disabilities, member of the Global Council at the Global Call to Action Against Poverty a network of over 11,000 CSOs organized in 58 national coalitions and of the temporary Steering Committee of the recently established UN Global Compact Greece.
Giorgos Keranis
Management consultant – Food systems expert
Giorgos Keranis is an organization and marketing management professional with a particular focus on food systems, social entrepreneurship and organizational change. Since 1999 he has been involved in food systems operations in areas such as production, market, research, civic engagement and public policy. He has specialized in the development of organic farmers’ markets in Greece, action learning programs through community kitchens, market research and strategy, and has introduced a sustainable food policy in the municipality of Athens.
His university background combines Sociology and Business Administration (BA) at the University of Vermont and graduate studies in Philosophy at the University of London – London School of Economics.
Dr. Christina Marouli
Associate Professor, Environmental Studies, Department of Science and Mathematics, Deree – The American College of Greece
Dr. Christina Marouli is teaching at the Environmental Studies B.Sc. program of DEREE – the American College of Greece, where she also founded and directed (for 7 years) the Center of Excellence for Sustainability. In addition, she has extensive experience as a consultant and a free-lance researcher on environmental and occupational safety health issues in the private sector, as well as an expert of EU funded environmental projects (under LIFE or Urban Innovative Action initiatives). She has worked with NGOs focusing on women’s and children’s issues (i.e. Director of Save the Children, Greece; responsible for development education programmes at the YWCA, Greece), while she was a co-founder of the Emergency Research Center (NGO).
She has studied biochemistry (B.A.), Urban and environmental policy (M.A.) and sociology (PhD) in the United States, with a specialisation on the urban environment, health and social inequalities. She has been the recipient of a Fulbright award during which she collaborated with a Turkish professor and did research on multicultural environmental education programmes. Her research interests include sustainable – healthy – smart cities, food waste, Education for Sustainability, and education for behavioural and social change.