
November, 2023

202327Nov14:3015:30Striving for Perfection: Friend or Foe?14:30 - 15:30

Event Details

When: Monday, November 27, 2023 | 14:30–15:30 
Online via Zoom link: (Time: 14:15)

Organized by: ACG Counseling Center

About the event

Have you ever felt that you are not good enough? That, somehow, no matter what you do, others are better than you? Do you have trouble recognizing any of your efforts or achievements, and always find yourself striving for more? You are not alone. Perfectionism makes us chase the unattainable, leaving us stagnant and disappointed. Although setting lofty goals and expectations can act as motivational driving forces, if done recklessly, it can lead to emotional distress, psychosomatic symptoms, and poorer interpersonal relationships. Together, we will examine this moving target called “perfectionism”.  

Why does it occur? 
How can we recognize it? What are its effects?
How can we mitigate them?
These, and many more, will be addressed in our awareness-raising event.

The purpose of this online event is to inform ACG students, faculty, and staff about the meaning and repercussions of perfectionism.  

Q & A session will follow.

Meeting ID: 948 5215 4803
Passcode: 712321