
March, 2021

202112Mar10:0017:30REthinking Sustainability TOwards a REgenerative Economy10:00 - 17:30

Event Details

RESTORE ATHENS-21 Conference


When: Friday, March 12, 2021 | 10:00 – 17:30

Where: Online – livestreamed from ACG Events Hall

Free and open to the public.
For the agenda and to register please click here


The 1st Regenerative Economy Conference to be held in Athens, the event features speakers from around the world and local experts who engage in panel discussions on innovative approaches to professional design practice and on rethinking technology towards a regenerative economy.

Case studies spanning from the application of digital tools for the built environment, to the simulation of the effects of climate adaptation strategies in urban environment, to nature-based solutions and indoor environmental quality investigations, to the use of bio-based plastics, will be presented.


Supported by:
EURAC Research, Italy
ACG Center of Excellence for Sustainability – Office of Public Affairs
Collaborative Greece at International Living Future Institute (LBCC Greece)