May, 2023
202313May(May 13)11:0014(May 14)17:00Piano Masterclass with Christine Tokatlian11:00 - 17:00 (14)

Event Details
In the context of Piano City Athens Festival, Deree – The American College of Greece When: Saturday, May 13, 11:00-17:00 | Sunday, May 14, 11:00-15:00 Where: 7th level Auditorium Co-organized by: FRSFPA-Music Programs
Event Details
In the context of Piano City Athens Festival, Deree – The American College of Greece
When: Saturday, May 13, 11:00-17:00 | Sunday, May 14, 11:00-15:00
Where: 7th level Auditorium
Co-organized by:
FRSFPA-Music Programs @ Deree – The American College of Greece and Piano City Athens
Under the auspices of the Hellenic Republic: Ministry of Culture and Sports, Ministry of Tourism, Region of Attica, Greek National Tourism Organization with the support of the City of Athens. Artistic direction by Athens State Orchestra.
About the event
On Saturday, May 13, 2023, Deree Music professor and distinguished pianist Christine Tokatlian will offer a piano masterclass!Younger students, rising soloists and piano dui will be guided to the development of individuality in musical interpretation through a detailed approach to technical dexterity and clarity of expression. The participation to the masterclass is free of charge and a priority order will be followed.
All interested pianists please contact prof. Tokatlian through her email [email protected].
Christine Tokatlian
Concert Pianist
Assistant Professor of Music & Music Performance, FRSFPA @Deree-ACG
Christine Tokatlian, is a concert pianist praised for her academic distinctions and passionate performance. In 2008 she was awarded the honorary ‘Eleni Myconiou’ prize for artistic excellence by the Athens Academy. At the age of six Christine was already taking piano lessons at the National Conservatory of Greece which led to a Soloist’s diploma with a grade of Excellence by unanimous vote and First Prize, under the supervision of Manolis Kokalis. Studying under renowned pianists including Dimitris Toufexis, Yu Chun Yee and Bernard Roberts, between 1996 and 1999, Christine receives her Bachelor of Arts in Music from Deree-The American College of Greece, and post-graduate diplomas in Advanced Piano Performance from the Royal College of Music in London (PGDip, PGAdvDip).
Performing around Greece, the United Kingdom, Italy, Lebanon, Germany and Armenia alongside distinguished artists including the Komitas Quartet, Christine’s recitals include works by classical, romantic and contemporary composers, as well as new-experimental music all performed with her distinct temperament, undeniably fueled by her Armenian descent. And with the same passionate spirit she premiered Khatchaturian’s Piano Concerto with the Thessaloniki State Orchestra in the Thessaloniki Concert Hall in 2010.
Christine also communicates her talent through teaching as she is currently a professor of music at Deree – The American College of Greece and a piano professor at the Meandrio Conservatory.
She has recorded with various ensembles and artists and in a range of musical styles particularly interested in new music.
Her PhD research at Chichester University, UK, focuses on contemporary Armenian piano music and its impact on the re(de)construction of Armenian musical identity. Her research has been presented in international conferences in Athens, London, Istanbul, Berlin and Latvia.
Christine serves as a jury member in national competitions and gives piano masterclasses in Greece and abroad. Her students have been awarded several prizes and distinctions in international piano competitions.
Armenian Piano Images, Christine’s first personal recording with works of contemporary Armenian composers, some of which are world premieres, serves as a window for her audience to see into her dream of magical musical performance.