Irene Karayianni
PsychologyBA, Psychology, Deree – The American College of Greece; PhD, Experimental Cognitive Psychology, University of Sussex; Advanced Certificate Strategic Pharmaceutical Marketing, EEFAM & University of Piraeus.
Dr. Karayianni joined the Psychology Department in 2014. She is teaching Human Learning and Memory and Research methods courses. She earned her PhD from the University of Sussex. Her research, which has focused on Memory awareness for auditory stimuli, has been presented in international and European conferences and published in peer-reviewed journals, such as Memory & Cognition, Experimental Psychology, and Memory. Her current research interests include student engagement in higher education.
Dr. Karayianni has extensive experience and training on Consumer Psychology, Industrial Psychology, Marketing and Business Analytics. She has worked in positions on Marketing, Market Research, Consumer Insights, and Business Analytics in sectors such as Pharmaceuticals, FMCG, Telecoms, etc. She is also a Mentor at Women on Top, a mentoring community, where she provides empowerment to mentorees so that they can manage their soft skills and enhance their emotional intelligence and self-motivation. Finally, she is analyzing Qualitative and Quantitative data as well as Secondary data to guide Marketing and Human Resources decisions. Examples of projects include Customer Perceptions, Capturing Customer Needs, Employment Engagement and Culture, Impact of Marketing activities, Performance Measurement, Forecasting, Competitive intelligence, and Brand image. Dr. Karayianni is a Member of the RAISE network, Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition, the Association of Consumer Research, the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, and the European Network for Positive Psychology.