DEREE was proud to host the two best-selling authors of the The OPA! Way: Finding Joy & Meaning in Everyday Life & Work, as well as founders of the Global Meaning Institute, Alex Pattakos and Elaine Dundon, who were on campus Friday, July 17 for a lecture on “Living, Leading & Innovating with Meaning, The OPA! Way.”
Students, faculty and staff enjoyed the illuminating lecture held at DEREE’s 7th Level Auditorium, including ACG President Dr. David G. Horner and DEREE Provost Thimios Zaharopoulos, who introduced the team, saying what an “honor” it is for DEREE to host them and learn from their quest for meaning.
Alex Pattakos, PhD and Elaine Dundon, MBA, described how they came up with the OPA Way and its main tenants which they described as:
O (Others) — Connect Meaningfully with Others
P (Purpose) — Engage with deeper Purpose, and
A (Attitude) — Embrace life with Attitude. OPA!
Mr. Pattakos and Ms. Dundon came up with their philosophy for living, working and leading by combining the wisdom of the ancient Greeks, which they have studied extensively, the wisdom they discovered in traditional Greek villages – which they have traveled extensively to – and their own work on innovation and meaning.
Throughout their lecture at DEREE, Alex Pattakos and Elaine Dundon shared stories from their inspirational lives, as well as their quest for meaning, and discussed the wide appeal of the OPA Way throughout the world.