Create Module Page

A Module Page is a page containing dynamic personalized content modules that help users keep track of tasks, tests, assignments, and new content created in the course.
To create a Module page in a Content area:
  1. Open a Content Area i.e. Module Leader Reports
  2. Roll over the Build Content button
  3. Click Blank Page.
  4. Fill in the Page Title with the name of the page and select the color you want that Title to appear.
  5. You can allow user to personalize the page by checking the Permit Users to Personalize the Page box.
  6. Select the Options you want to add to the Page.
  7. Click Submit.


Standard Options Description
Permit users to view the content item Select Yes to make the content available to users. If No is selected this content is unavailable.
Track number of views Select Yes to turn on Tracking Reports. This generates usage reports for the item.
Select date and time restrictions Select the range of date that this item will appear. Select the Display After check box for the item to appear after a specific date. If this option is checked, select the corresponding date and time. Select the Display Until check box for the item to appear until a specific date. If the option is checked, select the corresponding date and time.