Create Image

To create an image file in a Content area:
  1. Open a Content Area i.e. Module Leader Reports
  2. Roll over the Build Content button
  3. Click Image
  4. Fill in the Name field and select the color you want that Name to appear.
  5. Click the Browse my Computer if you want to upload the image file from your computer or click Browse Course if you want to select an image file that you have already uploaded in this course (e.g. An image file from another content page) or you can browse your Mashups to select an image file from there. You can only upload one image file at a time.
  6. You can provide a brief description of the image for the users that are unable to see it in the Alt Text area or you can provide a long description in the Long Description text area.
  7. Select the Image Option that you want:
  • Dimensions: Select the Original option if you want to keep the original width and height of the image or you can select the Custom option to manual enter the width and height of the image in pixels. The suggested dimensions for a picture (.png, .jpg or .gif) are 450 x 600 pixels. In case you wish to add small profile type image, the suggested size is 150 x 150 pixels. For a banner that is added in the Announcements or the Module Page, the suggested size is 200 x 600 pixels.
  • Border: Select if you want a border for the image. The numbers from 1 to 4 represent the thickness of the border that will be around the image.
  • Image Target URL: Make the image a link that leads to the specified URL when clicked.
  • Open in New Window:Select Yes if you want to open the image in a new window.
  • Add alignment to content option is not functional and therefor closed for usage.

8. Select the Standard Options you want to add to the image.

Standard Options Description
Permit users to view the content item Select Yes to make the content available to users. If No is selected this content is unavailable.
Track number of views Select Yes to turn on Tracking Reports. This generates usage reports for the item.
Select date and time restrictions Select the range of date that this item will appear. Select the Display After check box for the item to appear after a specific date. If this option is checked, select the corresponding date and time. Select the Display Until check box for the item to appear until a specific date. If the option is checked, select the corresponding date and time.

9.Optionally click Preview to view the image before submitting it.

10. Click Submit.