
Do Digital Games End in Addiction?
December 3, 2010 -Kiritsis Ilias, Gina Vagia and Giles Leonard

Online games have replaced backgammon as the source of gaming entertainment for many young people. But do online games lead to dangerous addiction? Ilias Kiritsis, Giles Leonard, and Gina Vagia went into the cafes to find out.

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World of Warcraft: Entertainment or Addiction?
October 27, 2009 -Lazaros Beltsios

World of Warcraft, the online role playing game, has introduced an alternative way for youth to entertain themselves and socialize. According to Blizzard, which own World of Warcraft, the number of users that play this game reached 10 million worldwide the last year.

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Match Point: Woody Allen’s Comeback
April 29, 2008 -Angelos Sfyroeras

Woody Allen left his beloved Manhattan for the first time in his film career and returned to the big screen with Match Point, a pleasantly surprising film that received an outstanding reception at the Cannes Film Festival in 2005. Full Story

Dance Rockabilly, Sing the Alternative
April 21, 2008 -Kerry Karalis

The music of the Greek bands Old House Playground and Dustbowl flooded the crowded Planet Music, a live stage club in the center of Athens on an April night. The difference in sound which swung from country-rockabilly to alternative excited the fans that danced and sang along with the bands. Full Story

Falling for The Girl in the Café
October 16 , 2007 -Manos Moschopoulos

An aging high-profile public servant meets a young girl in a London coffee shop, starting a story which balances between an unlikely romance and a powerful political message.
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Bonus Rocks the College
September 21 , 2005 -Sia Georgandis

Lights fade. A yellow box illuminates the center stage. Behind the curtains, someone strikes chords on an acoustic guitar. Then, a drum triplet blasts the curtains open, warping the audience to the 1980s as the instruments pump out the Scorpions’, “Rock you like a hurricane.” Full Story